Welcome to DL-200: Leading, Organizing, Values, and Executing (L.O.V.E.)

During the next 8 days you will receive 2 hour sessions in which we will cover a variety of topics that come from a Christian worldview on Leadership based on theories of leadership including, Greenleaf’s servant leadership theory, Gary Yukl’s writings on Leadership in Oranizations and more which will be sourced from the bible included Acts 6:1-7 (NIV) which are some of the most powerful lessons on selecting leaders in a growing ministry or business with written by the Apostle Luke in just 184 words.

Note: This training will be accompanied by some prep-work that will take approximately two hours of your reading materials which includes the following books:

Leadership in Organizations (7th Edition) by Gary Yukl

Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of legitimate Power and Greatnesss by Robert Greenleaf

This website contains both web reading for the instructor and complimentary slides and a document to assist with “training-the-trainers” in a matter of speaking.