
While we recognize that many of us are forced to work in a rapidly changing and confusing world, as Christians and Christian leaders we must be our “authentic” selves to borrow a line from “Allyship”. The goal of evil is to create chaos and confusion by blurring the lines between what is right and what is wrong. This raises many ethical issues that can be lost when children are indoctrinated versus educated and also offered insight into direct interactions through thoughtful prayer with our creator.

The danger is that when Christian leaders adopt secular forms of ‘ethics’ and different forms of “Loving they neighbor”, they lead their followers onto a path that takes them away from the one and living God as they are forced to submit and even subjugate themselves to the wills of others that do not carry the belief of a divine creator and only seek to normalize evil, immorality, and other affronts to God.

Emotional Intelligence requires hiring managers to also ensure that the people they hire carry the same moral and ethical views as the company. Imagine what Walt Disney would say if he saw a bearded man in a dress and makeup helping children at his theme park become princesses. How might he react to the leadership team that allowed this person to work in this type of capacity? Thoughtful prayer would have guided the leader that allows this to take place to simply reject the notion and have the man dress and work in a position more suitable to a man while also considering the financial impact that it has on the shareholders from a fiduciary perspective.