Comparison of Gary Yukl’s Leadership Theories

Ethical Leadership

  • Focus: Ethical leadership emphasizes the leader’s moral values and ethical conduct.
  • Traits: Ethical leaders are known for their integrity, fairness, and respect for others.
  • Impact: They influence the organizational culture by promoting ethical behavior and decision-making.

Servant Leadership

  • Focus: Servant leadership is about prioritizing the needs of others before oneself.
  • Traits: Servant leaders are supportive, attentive, and committed to the growth of their people.
  • Impact: They foster a service-oriented environment that benefits both individuals and the organization.

Spiritual Leadership

  • Focus: Spiritual leadership integrates leaders’ spiritual beliefs with their leadership style.
  • Traits: These leaders exhibit self-transcendence, wisdom, and a balance between moral and instrumental goods.
  • Impact: Spiritual leaders aim to inspire and motivate through a sense of calling and higher purpose.

Authentic Leadership

  • Focus: Authentic leadership is about being genuine and true to one’s values and beliefs.
  • Traits: Authentic leaders are transparent, self-aware, and consistent in their actions and decisions.
  • Impact: They build trust and credibility, leading to a more engaged and committed workforce.

Each of these theories provides a unique lens through which to view leadership, offering insights into how leaders can effectively guide and influence their organizations.