Grant’s work with a Christian Theme

The Three approaches to Grant’s work during his proposed 13-week workshop to increase emotional intelligence (EM) includded

  • Cognitive techniques
  • Mindfullness techniques
  • Social techniques

While this course is only 8 sections, we have modified it to replace some of the secular approaches of meditation with thoughtful prayer and self-reflection.

The goal of any leader, is to ensure that their team is at their best, not just from a performance and health perspective, but also from a mental health state. It is our belief that helping a team as a Christian leader to relieve the burdens of sin, can greatly enhance outcomes both at work and in their lives. Grant doesn’t specifically discuss this, rather his focus is more on the secular approach to meditation, but we find this and religious practices, such as yoga to be gateways into a path away from God leading us away from the Creator and our higher purpose of serving Him.